Self-accountability . It's Monday. That means it's a new dance routine w…

Self-accountability . It's Monday. That means it's a new dance routine which also means I start all over learning something new. You should have seen my face today. LMAO. Totally lost!! The new routine was so fast paced it was hilarious. This makes me excited because it keeps getting WAY more challenging and I am beginning to love the feeling of accomplishment by memorizing an entire routine. who woulda thought. . SO – vulnerable moment here for me – didn't want to share this but I wouldn't be doing anyone any favors by hiding things that make me uncomfortable. With that being said – I stepped on the scale over the weekend just because I happened to see it sitting there in the bathroom at the family's house staring at me… I was totally bummed out by the number. Probably not for the reason you'd think either. . I've been trying to gain muscle mass for awhile now and prior to this cardio based program I had been lifting weights even increasing the weight up to the 12's which was pretty awesome for me considering I started over a year ago with an elbow injury and was using 3lb weights with minor discomfort. I started using weights weighing in at 109 and ended up at 114. I was really stoked about that. Over the weekend the scale reflected 110 and I was sort of shocked and bummed out. Not sure how accurate it is or has been honestly. I felt kind of mopey about it and self-conscious. People tell me I'm "too small" all of the time. . Why is it okay to point out how small someone is? We know it's not okay to say how big someone is so why is one not okay but the other is acceptable? The comments add up and I know there are people just like me out there that are built small. Also there are people that naturally have a tough time gaining weight. Telling them how small little tiny or skinny they are all of the time can be upsetting. . I've decided to switch up a few things in my life and add weights back in. I would love to get an Olympic weight bar and the bow flex style Dumbbells – those make most sense for our small RV living space. I have also been looking into all-natural BCAA that I can start taking. My goal is to be STRONG fit and healthy! by mrscody09

Source by stevedudesign



Started the Belly Buster Challenge yesterday. So far so good. Can’t wait to see …