HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BUILD MUSCLE? – – The time frame in which you can expec…

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BUILD MUSCLE? – – The time frame in which you can expect to notice muscle gain depends on several factors: your current fitness level the intensity and consistency of your workouts and your body fat percentage. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine those who are new to exercise can expect to notice muscle gain within four weeks of beginning a strength-training program. – – To build muscle engage in at least 3-4 resistance workouts weekly. To increase your fitness level however perform strength-training workouts every other day. You do not build muscle while lifting weights; you build it during the recovery time. In the gym youre actually breaking down muscle and producing microscopic tears. During down time your muscles repair themselves and increase in size. – – Because muscles are made of bundles of fibers achieving muscle size and strength gain quickly requires targeting all of a muscles various fibers. A single exercise such as biceps curls targets only one segment of the biceps muscle fibers. To target the remaining fibers work the muscle from different angles by performing other biceps exercises such as chin-ups hammer curls and seated angle curls. Vary your exercises with every workout versus waiting until weekly or monthly intervals to make program changes. – – In summary building muscle takes time. However you can greatly speed things up by changing up your workouts frequently and by continuing to get stronger each workout. – – #body #bodytype #endomorph #ectomorph #mesomorph #metabolism #insulin #hormones #protein #diet #hightfat #muscle #getlean #losefat #loseweight #workout #fasting #intermittentfasting #bodytypediet #bodytypetraining #fitness #fit #lean #bodybuildingdiet #hardgainer #eattogrow #eat #eatmore #flxbody

Source by brianjsvandrlik



Started the Belly Buster Challenge yesterday. So far so good. Can’t wait to see …